Reinventing myself.


For the last few years, I have been on a self-redefining journey.

This process begun after I became mum to my beautiful, amazing daughter. She was a very intense, high-needs baby and I was trying hard to balance motherhood and my work schedule, believing I could excel at everything.

After the first 18 months things started to improve but, out of the blue I began facing severe anxiety, which manifested also in physical symptoms that fed this vicious circle. My initial reaction was avoidance, all I wanted was to make it stop. And when (or because of it, to be precise) my suffering had become unbearable, I finally accepted the situation. I stopped reacting and begun responding by focusing on what was there for me to learn. And from that moment on all of this transformed into an inner journey of acceptance and self-reinvention.

Fast forward to today, I now feel that it’s time to apply in practice all my learnings and translate them into well defined values, plans and actions. And since every brand is an alive entity and the sum of its’ people identities, personalities, visions and emotions, it needs to be adjusted, when appropriate, to fulfil its’ purpose.

So, for the last couple of months, I have been working diligently, behind the scenes, to align my brand with my new revised self. I will reveal everything in the coming time, but I would like to share today the keywords of this alignment: personal, intimate, transparent, sustainable, long-lasting, authentic.

In the above spirit, I introduce this Journal section, where I will share with you my thoughts, emotions and hopefully my proudest moments about my work.

Thank you so much for reading!




The end of plating.